Jessica Wyman Obituary, Merrimack NH, Jessica Wyman Has Died


Jessica Wyman Obituary, Death – Located in New Hampshire, Merrimack Jessica L. Wyman, who had lived in Merrimack, New Hampshire for a very long time, passed away on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, at the Southern New Hampshire Medical Centre in Nashua, New Hampshire. She had been a resident of Merrimack for a very long time.

Her 26 years of work as a fire fighter had ultimately led to the development of occupational cancer, which she had courageously fought against. She was the first female firefighter in the history of the Nashua Fire Department to be promoted to the level of Lieutenant during her sixteen years of service with the department. Jess was the first firefighter to advance to the rank of Lieutenant.

In 2017, she took her retirement. Before she accomplished that, Jess worked for the Merrimack Fire Department as a fireman and a paramedic. She was working there for seven years. In addition to that, she worked as a Rescue Specialist for Massachusetts Task Force 1, which was an Urban Search and Rescue Team organisation. She had been sent to New Orleans for a period of two weeks immediately after Hurricane Katrina, which was one of the many times she had been deployed around the country. A deployment to New Orleans had occurred.

The most recent post that Jess held at Southern New Hampshire Medical Centre was that of Executive Director of In-Patient and Critical Care Services. During her time there, she worked in a variety of capacities, including those of paramedic and registered nurse. It was in the year 2021 that she was awarded the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from Eastern Kentucky University, the institution where she had previously completed her education.

As an additional point of interest, Jess was involved in a wide range of sports during the course of her life. Not only did she compete in power lifting competitions all throughout the country and in Europe, but she also held a world-ranked position in the sport. She competed in a variety of sports, including football, hockey, and semi-professional football, among others.

Camp Fully Involved was a project that she founded in 2007, and it was conducted at the New Hampshire Fire Academy. The session ran for one week and was held there. Young women between the ages of 14 and 20 who were interested in joining the fire department were the target audience for this programme, which placed an emphasis on the importance of leadership, self-confidence, and strength. “Tell me and I forget; show me and I remember; involve me and I understand” was the motto of the programme that Jess adhered to throughout her entire life. She lived her life doing what she believed in.

